Friday, July 8

Blog Award Winners

Ok, I have been SO busy lately with being on my vacation and getting prepared for school and work, that I totally forgot to post my winners for the One Lovely Blog Award. So here is my list and please check them out because these bloggers are amazing and have so much creativity and spunk it astounds me!

Dainty & Delish
Chocolate London Girl
Fanga Danga Chic
His Glambition
Spunky Chateau
Make Up by Tejahn Burnett
The Cray-Cray
Wilma Jean's Blog
Of This Ilk

Congrats y'all!



  1. What? I won a "Major Award" ! Thank you so much - I didn't expect this when I dropped by for a little inspiration. You made my week :)

  2. Haha you're welcome! My google wasn't working so my notifications did not go through to my selected I hope they are looking at my blog lol. Thank you!!

  3. oh my, I just saw this!
    so sweet, thank you!
    ps. your blog should be on this list of winners 4sure!


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